About Me

Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here!

My name is Dawn Miles,

* I’m the founder of Everyday Faith and Fitness,

* a certified personal trainer/group fitness instructor,

* wife of a hilarious, kind-hearted sports medicine physician,

* a farmer’s daughter,

* and a homeschooling mom of 2 boys.

I help busy, frustrated moms implement simple fitness and nutrition programs with an added, Biblical perspective on health so that they can be physically prepared to do all they are called to do as well as mentally find peace with their God-given bodies.

I know there are tons of fitness professionals out there – and you can find health and wellness information everywhere.

If you’re looking for a perfectly, shredded body and six-pack abs, I may not be the best coach for you. I just want to provide a low-maintenance, “everyday” approach to being healthy.  
Let’s take care of these temples – not try to achieve some sort of unrealistic social ideal.
If you’re interested in a few more details, here’s the long version about me: 

I grew up on a farm in central Illinois – riding bikes, climbing trees, and playing sports (including volleyball, basketball, softball, track, and even cheerleading). My identity was certainly as an athlete.

I’m not sure if it had to do with growing up in a different time or a different place, or if I was just blessed to have parents who supported my desire to be active and never once gave me cause to critique or even consider the look or shape of my body.

It was even during this time that I first learned the influence of the written word, as I wrote a persuasive paper to convince my parents that I could participate in multiple sports seasons at one time. I’m an introvert by nature, but, man, do I love the written word! There’s some level of safety here behind this computer screen.

I went off to Knox College, started dating my future husband just a few weeks into my First-Year, and graduated with a double major in Educational Studies and Psychology. During college, I overcame my trepidation of the weight room, witnessed my first road races, and worked at a summer camp for kids and adults with special needs that ultimately changed my life.

After teaching fifth grade for six years, I began a new chapter in my life as a stay-at-home mom, which I L-O-V-E! (but totally admit is H-A-R-D!) During this time, I realized I could combine my passion for fitness and my desire to help others into roles at the gym, but still be home with my baby for most of the day.

We were beyond fortunate to have grandparents 15 minutes away who were more than happy to babysit a couple hours while I taught two days a week. In addition to teaching BodyFlow (the Les Mills tai chi, yoga, Pilates-based class), CXWorx (the Les Mills 30-minute core class), and Body & Soul, a total body workout set to Christian music, I also became an ACE-certified personal trainer. Nothing is more gratifying than helping others achieve their health and fitness goals.

Life was practically perfect! But then, my husband got the call offering him his dream job – in North Carolina! After many, many months of prayer, we felt we were supposed to reach outside of our comfort zone and just trust God. So we moved.

We found a beautiful home out in the country, got plugged in at a nearby Christian church, and made connections at the YMCA. And, within the first year here, had our second baby as well.  With this new life (and no built-in babysitters), I simply felt like I didn’t have time to physically train or teach any more classes.

However, I did complete the intense Instructor Trainings of both Revelation Wellness and Holy Yoga – and now teach “The WELL – Worship and Exercise for Loving Life” (typically once a week for about 8 weeks in the spring and fall each).

I truly hope you will find something refreshing here. If you ever have any questions, feel like you’re stuck in a rut, or just need a change of perspective, hopefully EFF can help!

Why Everyday Faith + Fitness?

10 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Ugh…where does an overweight, under-motivated woman in her mid-50’s even begin? I have never been physically active, have always LOVED the wrong foods, and now feel too far gone to make things better. I have a strong relationship with God…I trust Him. I look forward to learning more about the connection between faith and fitness.


    1. You’re never too far gone, my friend! (His mercies are new every morning, right?) Where to begin? With ONE, SMALL, step. I’ll write more about this later, but “change psychology” says you have to feel confident that you CAN change. So just pick one seemingly easy healthy act (like, if it seems TOO easy, that’s where you start). Stick with that one task until it becomes a HABIT (at least a week, maybe two or more). Then go from there. I’ll message you on Facebook and we can chat more, but I’m so happy you’ve reached out!


  2. This is great! so happy for you!!! excited to keep reading!!!!! I am glad to know someone who is so knowledgeable about fitness and living a healthy lifestyle


  3. Hi! I’m a blogelina classmate. You have an awesome blog. Looking forward to browsing through and reading more since you blog about exactly what I’m interested in 😀


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